Saturday, September 10, 2011

One Wheel..... Four Hands..... Two Hearts...

Long time, No see.  Yeah, I fell off the face of the earth for awhile.  I'm easing back into the blogging thing.  Here's a song that I think is most excellent.  The duo compliment each other perfectly.

Trying To Drive
Aslyn (Featuring Zac Brown)

He might be right
I'm out of luck when I'm out of feist and out of touch
With this little spot I call my own
Don't feel like home anymore.

Zac brown:
But you make the most of what it's not
Till a little love feels like a lot
And I blame you and you blame me
And this little war evens everything in time.

But you're not always right.
Zac brown:
And I'm not always wrong.
It's not like I don't try.

This is where we belong.
One way, everythings gotta be your way.

But darlin', I'm on your side.

Cause it's the one wheel, four hands, two hearts trying to understand
How we're gonna get there?
We're both trying to drive.

Zac Brown:
No one can do what you do,
You know I'm not right if I'm not right with you.
And I'll save you and you save me
And I'll be the one to lay it all out on the line.


I can feel it under my seat.
You're on the sideline of my life.
Watchin' rain fall to the ground.
To the beat of the same old fight.

Zac Brown:
And every song is brewing this war
And when we find ourselves

In the mix of it, give a little bit
And we'll fly, we'll fly, we'll fly.

One way, everythings gotta be your way
But darlin' I'm on your side.

Zac Brown:
Darlin' I'm on your side.

Cause it's the one wheel, four hands, two hearts trying to understand
How we're gonna get there?
One way, everythings gotta be your way

But darlin' I'm on your side.

Zac Brown:
Darlin' I'm on your side.

Cause it's the one wheel, four hands, two hearts trying to understand
How we're gonna get there?
We're both trying to drive. (x5)

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Could you write it with no regrets?

This a deep song.  It's based on a true story.  I spent alot of summers in the hills about 40 Miles away from where this occurred.  My Grandpa worked in the coal mines.

The Sago Mine Disaster was a coal mine explosion on January 2nd, 2006.  The Sago Mine is located in Sago, West Virginia (near Buckhannon).  The blast and aftermath trapped 13 miners for 2 days.  There was only one survivor, Randal L. McCloy, Jr.

Trailer Choir

what if the moment came and
you knew your life was down to minutes
lighters flame was all you had to see
and you found a pen and torn up piece of paper
and a note was all you could leave

13 men fell trapped in a mine in West Virginia,
only one made it out alive
but there love lives on in the words
I can not wait to see you on the other side

what would you say(x2)
in the lines on a page from the life that you made
could you write it with no regrets
would you know in yourself you gave somebody else
all the love that you had inside
right down to your last prayer

would you tell your momma thank you for the way you love me
daddy don’t cry everything’s gonna be ok
would you tell your little boy that
you’ll be watching him from up in heaven,
you’ll never miss one game

what would you say(x2)
in the lines on a page from the life that you made
could you write it with no regrets
would you know in yourself you gave somebody else
all the love that you had inside
right down to your last prayer

what would you say

in the lines on a page from the life that you made
could you write it with no regrets
would you know in yourself you gave somebody else
all the love that you had inside
right down to your last prayer

what if the moment came and
you knew your life was down to minutes

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Freedom and the gas prices...

I'm a big fan of freedom.  I'm sure you are as well.

I can remember my first steps into freedom.  I was a little guy back then.  Times were different.  It was the seventies.  At six years old, I was able to walk down the main street to my friends house.  His house was a block and a half away.  But, it was a busy street with no sidewalks and I had to walk with traffic.   So, I was the bomb and I knew it.

I ended up with a hand me down Schwinn for my first bike.  While my friends all had BMX bikes, I was sportin' the Schwinn.  Have you ever tried to jump ramps on a Schwinn?  I hated that bike.  I had learned to ride a bike on this bike.  As I was learning, my brother had me play a game of follow the leader.  He was riding his bike ahead and I just had to follow.  Sounds easy enough.  It was a fun game you know.  He started zigging and zagging between trees.  I'm afraid I hadn't yet developed the coordination needed to zig and zag properly at this point.  So, head on into the tree I went. 

In just a couple of years, I would get my BMX.  It was a yellow and black Huffy.  I felt this was the ultimate in freedom.  I was like Peter Fonda in Easy Rider.  Although, not so psychedelic.  Where I grew up, there were a series of canals that connected the lakes.  These canals were my stomping grounds.  If I wasn't fishing in the canal, I'd be playing in the woods beside it.  Just after I got my new bike, I was traveling with some friends beside the canal.  It was a well beaten path.  Well, I was learning some new tricks on the bike.  I could ride wheelies.  I could bunny hop.  I could ride with no hands.  You know, the basic skills.  Well, that day I was practicing a new skill.  I had perfected it in fact.  I could jump off the bike and it would continue down the trail.  I would then run to it and jump back on.  Then, I started to brag.  "Hey guys, you gotta see this!"  Everyone watched with anticipation.  I pedalled faster than I ever had.  I jumped off the back of the bike and watched as it b lined into the canal.  I'm not sure if their applause was good or bad.  Now that I think about it, they may have been mocking me.  I looked like Jack Nicholson in Easy Rider.  I can still picture the yellow rim of the back tire spinning just under the surface of the water.  Of course, I went in for it.  That bike made it a few more seasons.

There was a ten speed added in there somewhere.  But, I don't recall any incidents with it.  Well maybe. My best friend back then and I rode our ten speeds to the local metro park.  There was a huge hill that was just paved.  You could gain some serious speed riding down it.  We hit that hill like the Tour De France.  I pulled ahead and turned around in time to see my friend had stopped and was doing some sort of Ritualistic Dance at the side of the road.  I had to investigate.  As it turns out, a bee had flown down his shirt.  I think they renamed his dance the "Soulja Boy". Good times. Oh! and the time I rode across town to visit a girl.  Her Grandpa was none to pleased.  He told her that I looked like a hoodlum.  It must have been the glasses.  It was a short visit.
My first taste of real freedom was my first car.  It was a '76 Firebird Formula.  Gas was affordable, even on my part time stockboy pay.  There is thrill like no other to know that you can just pick up and go. There is a new adventure around the next turn or the turn after that.  Let's see, where will the road take me today?

Fast forward to 2011.  Record high gas prices are threating my freedom and yours.  I have to plan outings so that they make sense.  I'll wait to go here until Thursday because I will be out that way already.  I've changed my driving style to maximize my MPG.  How has the gas prices affected your freedom?

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Okay... Time To Simplify...

I'm not a packrat.  I'm not a collector.  I don't feel the need to buy items just to buy items. 

As I look around the house, I have accumulated stuff.  Stuff that I don't use.  I am of the belief that If I haven't used it in 6 months, it's a knick-knack.  I have a lot of knick-knacks.  So, I'm going to have some fun.  I am going to downsize said knick-knacks.  But, What sells will go into the "Summer Home" fund.

What's the "Summer Home" fund?  I'm glad you asked.  I have been debating on building a tiny home on a trailer.  Just when I have my mind made up, I reconsider and think that a Class B RV would be better.  Then, I consider remodeling an old Airstream.  So many choices, so little time.  Well, The good news is that I don't need to decide right now.  I can build the funds and decide at a later date.  When I reach the $5,000 mark, I'll have to make the decision.  I'll keep a tally on the funds as I go.

So, Craigslist, Ebay, and Freecycle are my new best friends.  I'll post the first item this week and share my successes and failures with you folks as they happen.

The first items on the chopping block are the outgrown little tikes play equipment in the backyard.  I'm hoping to send them both packing in one sweep.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Everyone has a story to tell...

Everyone has a story...

With the demise of Osama Bin Laden, The question once again arises.  Where were you on that fateful day?  I have a story to tell, A life changing story.  Would you like to hear it?

Just before 9:00 AM, I was in the car listening to the morning show on Q104.  The usually funny morning show had suddenly taken a somber tone.  The host, Danny, announced that a plane had crashed into the North Tower.  I was dropping my daughter off at Pre-school. When I got back in the car, He announced the crash of the second plane into the South Tower.  This was too much of a coincidence.  The pre-school was a block away from my Mom's house.  So, I spun the car around and traveled down the street to my Mom's house.  I tuned in to watch the news network.  It was tragic.

I made the ride home in silence.  My wife and I had just returned home from NYC.  By just, I mean we made it back to Ohio 5 hours earlier.  We left at 8:00 PM on September 10th.  We arrived home at around 4:00 AM on September 11th.  There was alot going on in my life at the time.  I should say in my relationship with said wife at the time.  We had just rolled over that 8 year mark.  Things were not on an even keel.  I had noticed a few things on the trip.  She had made some connections via the world wide web with a New York police officer.  He served as our tour guide on this trip.  I had some suspicions.  But, I had a lot of faith in my wife.  So, I dismissed them.

I made it home and explained what had just happened in New York.  How the towers had collapsed.  When the reporter mentioned the officers and firemen that had rushed in just before, My wife went into hysterics.  The light bulb came on.  There was more to her story than I knew.  I could not get her to calm down.  She was overly concerned about her police officer friend.  This only subsided when he answered his phone.  He was safe.  My marriage unraveled rapidly after this moment.  Five months later, I would be divorced.

9/11 serves as a reminder of the beginning of the end of that relationship. The reality is that it was headed south already.  It could be better phrased as -- 9/11 serves as a reminder of the day I admitted that it was the beginning of the end of that relationship.

Life takes us in all kinds of directions.  Some we plan for and some we don't.  Some we want and some we don't.  Sometimes we just have deal with what life throws at us.  I learned to deal with it.  It was tough.  It was painful.  It changed me. 

Everyone has a story to tell...  Whats yours?

Sunday, May 1, 2011

You're only here for a minute.... So come on and live it...

I've been following Nic Cowan for a couple of years now.  He hooked up with the Zac Brown label Southern Ground.  I see good things in his future.







Tuesday, April 26, 2011

"Life is what we make of it, and money does not provide happiness, it simply provides comfort. These two things can easily be seperated. We can be rich and unhappy, or poor and happy." -- Carlos Caggiani

Well... I  love my kindle.  I finished another book.


So, I'm a sucker for these travel narratives.  This book chronicles the journey of a young Carlos Caggiani.  But, it is also a snapshot of what was happening in the world in the mid 1960's.  Caggiani decides, at the age of 24, that he is going to travel around the world on his 1947 Indian Chief motorcycle.  He decides and just does it.  With little to no money, he lived hand to mouth in many a foreign land.  His trip lasted two years.  When he returned to his home town of Montevideo (Uruguay), he realized the trip had changed him.  I left a lot out because I think it's worth the read.  So, if you're so inclned.... Check it out.

One of the stories my Dad shared on our roadtrip involved an Indian motorcycle.  He grew up in a rural community that was growing.  There was a crew that came in to cut in the road in front of their house.  A member of the crew rode an Indian motorcycle.  While the crew worked, he let the kids toy with the motorcycle.  Well, my Dad asked if he could take it for a ride.  He was granted permission and down the dirt road he went.  As he approached the intersection to the main road, he attempted a U-turn on the bike.  He got about 2/3rd's of the way around and the weight was too much.  My dad fell in a ditch with the 1000 lb. bike on top of him.  Well, he yelled loud enough that the crew heard him and eventually freed him from under the bike.  He's not real fond of bikes these days.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Never gonna grow up... Never gonna slow down..

So, I missed another dose of cool.  The video for this is kinda cool.  The artist chronicled his road trip to Vero Beach from his own footage.


Full moon shinin' bright
Edge of the water we were feelin' alright
Back down a country road
The girls are always hot & the beer is ice cold
Cadillac horns on the hood
My brother Jarrod had his dad hook us up good
Girls smiled when we rode by
They'd hop in the back & we'd cruise to the riverside

Wohh never gonna grow up
Wohh never gonna slow down
Wohh we were shinin' like lighters in the dark
In the middle of a rock show
Wohh we were doin' it right
Find More lyrics at
Wohh we were comin' alive
Wohh We were caught up in a southern summer
Barefoot bluejean night

Blue eyes & auburn hair
Sittn' lookin' pretty by the fire in a lawn chair
New to town, new to me
Her ruby red lips were sippin' on sweet tea
Shot me a look like a shootin' star
So I grabbed a beer & my ole guitar
Sat around til the break of dawn
Howlin' & singin' to our favorite songs

Repeat Chorus x2

Corpus Christi.... The Play

I attended the Good Friday performance of the play Corpus Christi.  Yes, it is a controversial play.  Yes, there were protestors.  Both the church and production company were hit with hate mail...  Hate mail from churches.  Think about that.  The hate mail was from churches.  Yes. the subject matter was adult in nature and outside of what most consider the norm.  I went with an open mind.  I felt that it was an excellent play.  It revisited the story of  Jesus Christ.  I was fortunate enough to know two of the actors in this production.  Both are phenomenal.  The part of Jesus is in this case was played by a female lead.  You can tell the ability of an actor by how believable the performance is.  Let me tell you.  I hurt when he was betrayed.  I hurt when he was in the garden.  I almost had to leave as they drove in the nails because I truly felt for him.  So, there was a whole lot of talent going on. 

Afterwards, I had a healthy discussion about the play and life really.  It is amazing to be on the same wave length with like minded individuals. 

I have to give props to the church that hosted the event.  This church is a true example of what I feel a church should be.  They open their doors to anyone.  They didn't criticize.  They didn't judge.  They didn't turn away.  It is the First Grace United Church Of Christ located at 350 S. Portage Path, Akron.

I will end this post with a quote from their website.  "No matter who you are or where you are on life's journey, you are welcome here."

Friday, April 22, 2011

So, The Train Went Of The Tracks....

So, I think somewhere I've gotten off track on my blogging.  I need to jump back on.

I was at a client's office a few weeks ago.  In talking with the owner, he was slowly handing the business over to a key member of his team.  He was headed for retirement.  I inquired about how he planned on spending his retirement.  Traveling was his response.  He explained that whenever he traveled, he stopped to take an interest in people.  I picked up on this same quality in myself.  Whenever I traveled, I enjoyed meeting the locals as much as seeing the sights.  I talk to everyone. 

I struggle to understand that when I'm back in my locale of Akron, I am so much more reserved.  I've been pondering that question lately.  There are days when I interact with people.  But it is not consistent.  I'm starting to wonder if it's because I perceive ill intentions.  On too many occassions, I've said a greeting too someone and they've hit me up for money.  The worst of all was at an inner city gas station.  I don't get frustrated with people that often.   This guy must have noticed my dockers and dress shirt and perceived that I have money to give.  I told him that I was sorry I had nothing to give.  Then, he proceeded to give me a lecture on how I didn't need all that money and that I can't take it with me when I die.  This was slowly pissisng me off.  I, finally, put the nozzle back on the pump and left.  There was also the time that I was leaving the bank one pay day.  I'm on a very tight budget.  I had taken out enough money to hold me over for a couple of days.  I was approached by a middle age woman who frantically explained that her car had broken down.  She needed $10 dollars more in order to get the car towed and get to work.  Her badge showed that she worked for Visiting Nurse Services.  I felt sorry for her.  I handed her all of the money I had.  Well, she then proceeded to ask for a ride to her "car".  It was 3 or 4 miles away from where we were, in a bad neighborhood.  I couldn't fathom her walking for 3 or 4 miles and no one helping her.  Well, the light bulb came on.  I had just been scammed by a 50 year old drug addict.  I have to admit, it was a creative story.  I don't know that it was worth $10.00 though.

So, I've been making it a point lately to interact with people like I were on vacation.  I'm very selective these days to avoid situations like the ones mentioned above.  I've met some interesting people.  Everyone has a story to tell.  I love hearing these stories.

Well, today is a vacation day from work.  I'm out to hear some great stories.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Blow the candles out.... Looks like a solo tonight.... But, I think

I'm a little down today.


The power lines went out
And I am all alone
But I don't really care at all
Not answering my phone
All the games you played
The promises you made
Couldn't finish what you started
Only darkness still remains

Lost sight
Couldn't see
When it was you and me

Blow the candles out
Looks like a solo tonight
I'm beginning to see the light
Blow the candles out
Looks like a solo tonight
But I think I'll be alright

Been black and blue before
There's no need to explain
I am not the jaded kind
Playback's such a waste
You're invisible
Invisible to me
My wish is coming true
Erase the memory of your face

Lost sight
Couldn't see
When it was you and me

Blow the candles out
Looks like a solo tonight
I'm beginning to see the light
Blow the candles out
Looks like a solo tonight
But I think I'll be alright

One day
You will wake up
With nothing but "you're sorrys"
And someday
You will get back
Everything you gave me

Blow the candles out
Looks like a solo tonight
I'm beginning to see the light
Blow the candles out
Looks like a solo tonight
But I think I'll be alright

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Akron Film - Missed Connections Challenge

For fun, my friends from the film club accept local challenges.  The folks at Akron Film threw the gauntlet down.  The challenge was to take a Craigslist Missed Connection and tell the story through film.  We have two weeks to turn in the project.  There are 21 teams competing.  Here's the post we drew:

Craigslist: Pittsburgh


I don't know what to do.  I want to make a move.  I want you to make a move.  I'm pretty sure you are somewhat attracted to me... But I'm so bad at this.

I know I'm kinda badass -- But I'm so shy.  The adrenaline rush of walking through your front door is enough to power me through a million work days.  I want to inch way closer to you on that couch and just tear into you.

Well now.  I think there is a story there.  We're meeting Thursday.  So, we'll throw something on paper.  It was good to see some of my film friends drawing as well.  Some of the posts were tough.  I can't wait to see their work.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Roadtrip To Charleston

So, The roadtrip went well.  The Route 1 Ends performed flawlessly.  As a matter of fact, she was posting 33.5 miles per gallon.  This is a very good benchmark to keep in mind when planning future road trips.  We put her up on the trailer to haul her back to Ohio.  My brother needed to clean his driveway up a little bit.  So, his truck and trailer now reside in southern Ohio.

I had an excellent time with my Dad.  I heard so many stories.  I wouldn't even know where to begin in telling them.  I'll touch on them from time to time in this blog.  We are alike in so many ways.  It is crazy.  We both had to deal with similar challenges, Although 30 years apart.  When my girls moved to Long Island a few years back, I had some challenges with loss.  I was used to them being here with me.  Well near me.  I had to learn to deal with this loss.  This was not that different from when my Dad had to let us go all those years ago.  He was dealing with similar loss it seems.  It seems it was a challenge for both of us. 

My brother was incredibly busy.  So, the timing of the trip could have been better.  I think that he felt he had to entertain us.  He is in charge of making sure the local newspaper get to the doorstep daily on time.  This means that he has to count on people.  Counting on people is a huge challenge.  The second day of the trip he received 12 complaint phone calls.  The guy on that route didn't finish the last 15 deliveries.  Crazy.  Needless to say, that guy was fired.  So, I offered to help on the Sunday Morning delivery.  I was able to help with the single copy.  This meant that we had to pick up the front page and the special bridge run booklet from the printer at 12:00 AM.  Once we recieved these, we had to scoot back to the warehouse to pair these two parts with the other three parts.  This week was a five part paper.  Once all the papers parts were together, I rode with June to deliver the single copy to local stores and paper boxes throughout the territory.  If I remember right,  we finished combining the parts and were rolling out at 3:00 AM or so.  We had about 40 stops.  We wrapped up the single copy at around 6:00 AM.  My brother then picked me up from the warehouse to finish his route.  He wrapped up this route by 8:00 AM.  Ideally, they like to be wrapped up by 7:00 AM.  When we got back to the house, I crashed.  But, I was up and moving by noon. 

We spent most of Sunday in and around Charleston.  Here are some random shots:

Sunday, April 10, 2011

This could be good... It's already better than the last..

I heard this song a while ago.  I found myself singing it just the other day.  I had to look it up to listen to it again to see why that was.  I am going to tell you that I am a huge Kara DioGuardi fan.  She is an amazing songwriter.  This is by far my favorite.  Her performance in this clip is amazing.  It seems as though she truly feels it.

Kara DioGuardi & Jason Reeves
You by the light is the greatest find
In a world full of wrong you're the thing that's right
Finally made it through the lonely to the other side

You said it again, my heart's in motion
Every word feels like a shooting star
I'm at the edge of my emotions
Watching the shadows burning in the dark,
And I'm in love and I'm terrified.
For the first time and the last time
In my only life.

This could be good
It's already better than last
And love is worse than knowing
You're holding back
I could be all that you needed
If you let me try

You said it again, my heart's in motion
Every word feels like a shooting star
I'm at the edge of my emotions
Watching the shadows burning in the dark
And I'm in love and I'm terrified
For the first time and the last time
In my only

I only said it 'cause I mean it
I only mean it 'cause it's true
So don't you doubt what I've been dreaming
'Cause it fills me up and holds me close
Whenever I'm without you

You said it again, my heart's in motion
Every word feels like a shooting star
Watching the shadows burning in the dark
I'm at the edge of my emotions
And I'm in love and I'm terrified
For the first time and the last time
In my only life

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

We all bleed red..

     I'm back from the road trip.  It was a great experience and I'm glad I went.  I understand things a lot better.  He talked the entire way down.  Yes, all twelve hours.  So, I heard some great stories and some heartbreaking stories.  It turns out, we're really not that different.

   I realized I missed posting my Sunday dose of cool music.  So, Here ya' go. 

Bleed Red

Ronnie Dunn

Written By: Tommy Lee James, Andrew Dorff

Let’s say were sorry, before it’s too late, give forgiveness a chance
Turn the anger into water; let it slip through our hands
We all bleed red, we all taste rain, all fall down, Lose our way,
We all say words we regret, we all cry tears, we all bleed red

If we’re fighting, we’re both losing; we’re just wasting our time
Because my scars, they are your scars and your world is mine
You and I, we all bleed red, we all taste rain, all fall down, lose our way
We all say words, we regret, well cry tears, we all bleed red
Sometimes we’re strong, sometimes we’re weak, sometimes we’re hurt and it cuts deep
We live this life, breath to breath, we’re all the same; we all bleed red

(Instrumental break)
Let’s say we’re sorry….Before it’s too late….

We all bleed red, all taste rain, all fall down, lose our way,
We all say words we regret, we all cry tears we all bleed red,
Sometimes we’re strong, sometimes we’re weak; sometimes we’re hurt
It cuts deep; we live this life breath to breath; we’re all the same
We all bleed r-e-e-e-d-d-d

Monday, March 28, 2011

My Relationship With My Dad / Roadtrip

As I may have touched on in an earlier post, my parents divorced when I was pretty little.  So, I have an awesome relationship with my Mom.  My Dad.... not so much.  I am making a strong effort to get to know him a little better.  I'm a little troubled that I have to fit him into my schedule like an appointment.  I only made it down to visit once last year.  He's about an hour and a half south of here in southern Ohio.  I need to work on staying in touch.

Anyway, I have been planning this trip to visit my brother in South Carolina.  I invited my Dad along for the ride.  I'll pick him up and listen to some interesting stories on the trip down.  I'm sure that I'll share some.  My Dad probably relates to this brother more than the rest of us.  It'll be a good experience.  Plus, I am in desperate need of a roadtrip.

This past weekend I invested in the "route1ends".  That's the name of my 2005 Hyundai Elantra, unofficially.  The improvements were an oil change, tire rotation, a tune up, and front brakes.  I didn't realize how much they were needed.  It runs like a new car now.  It just rolled over 80,000 miles.  But the most important thing is it's paid off.  So, the repairs were less than one month of a standard car payment.  I should see an increase in my MPG as well.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Love will be the law of the land...

Today's Sunday dose of cool comes from Levi Lowrey.  Levi has written songs with the Zac Brown Band including this seasons hit "Colder Weather".  He has been touring with another Zac Brown member, Clay Cook.  They have been marketing it as the Clay Cook Vs. Levi Lowrey tour.  It's more of a challenge.  They touch on their hits.  But, they also throw an element of surprise for each other.  Each artist will throw in an obscure song into the set list.  The artist will have to figure out how to play along.

Levi Lowrey
Wherever We Breakdown

We've been living here for nearly one whole year
and I have grown weary
Barely makin' our ends meet
trying to stand up on our feet
and get off our knees
It never felt like home
tell me why I've fought so long for this poor man's castle
I guess we could borrow a little more
I could sell off some guitars and we could lose this hassle

'Cause I, I don't need a roof above my head
when I sleep, well I'd sleep in the dirt if you hold my hand
Wherever we break down we'll make our stand
And love will be the law of the land

So let's pack up what we can
Leave it all to chance and hit the road
Maybe North bound for Montana
or South bound to Savannah on the coast
Either way the skies are clear
We could disappear without a trace
No more games to play
No more bills to pay
and no more rat race

'Cause I, I don't need a roof above my head
when I sleep, well I'd sleep in the dirt if you hold my hand
Wherever we break down we'll make our stand
and love will be the law of the land

'Cause I, I don't need a roof above my head
when I sleep, I'd sleep in the dirt if you hold my hand
Wherever we break down we'll make our stand
and love will be the law of the land

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Well, I helped on a film shoot this past weekend.  Little Hollywood Ohio scheduled one of their 48 Hour Film Challenges.  For this film, they revisited the characters from the very first 48 Hour Challenge.  I, somehow, have been typecast as the damsel in distress.  They got some mileage out of this film.  It was entered in two film festivals.  It didn't win any awards.  But, it was good to watch it on the big screen.  The festivals were in Akron,OH and Metropolis, IL.  Here's a look at the first challenge.  Let me know what you think.

For those that like the outakes.

Who am I? - TV Pilot - Meet the team.

So, I mentioned a while back about that little acting gig that I did.  Well, here's a clip of Who Am I.  I'm not in this one.  I was holding the boom mic just out of frame as close to the action as possible.  Let me know what you think.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

You know you want to... and you should have done it by now..

Okay, I know it's not Sunday.  But, I was excited to find this song finally.  So... Please enjoy Josh Abbott and Kacey Musgraves performing "Oh Tonight".

Josh Abbott Band (featuring Kacey Musgraves)

Written by Josh Abbott (Pretty Damn Tough, ASCAP) & Sunny Helms

Verse 1
I grab your hand and you say “wait.”
I say “no girl it’s way too late.”
We’ve been playing games for weeks,
now I’m ready to play for keeps.

Oh, tonight, we’re gonna set the world on fire.
I’m gonna set aside my pride.
Not gonna be the one to say “goodbye,”
Neither am I…Oh, tonight.

Verse 2
So go on kiss me on the mouth.
You know you want to; you should’ve done it by now.
Girl you don’t know how long I’ve tried,
been fighting feelings deep inside.

So tell me what you want me to do.
Oh, it’s too late baby I’ve already fallen in love with you.

So... When am I going to get to the Simply Building A Better Life part?

Well, I didn't name the blog "Simply Building A Better Life" for nothing. 

Looking at my 40th birthday in just two short years is like staring down the barrel of a gun.  Well, maybe that is a little dramatic.  But, I've been thinking alot lately.  I better start taking care of myself.

I'm starting with Health.  I've been tackling the topic of Detoxing.  It's best described as hitting the reset button on your body.  I'm well into the book Clean by Alejandro Junger.  I'm hoping to start the program this week.  Hopefully, for the full three week program.

I'm close to half way through the book.  So far, it's been very good at spelling out why to detox.  It's also touched on how our body works internally.  But, I'm just now digging into how the program works.  I'll cover that as I go.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

I call it LIFE, I call it for what it is....

So, I am a sucker for that sweet harmony.  Mix it with a good message and I'm hooked.  Today, here's a blast of One Flew South called "Life".

One Flew South

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Paid actor and hanging out with a rock star...

A few weeks ago I worked with some friends from Syzygy Networks.  They were working on filming a TV Pilot.  Well, today, I received a check for acting in their production.  It was $25.00.  I wasn't expecting payment so it was a nice surprise.  So, now I can add paid Actor to my resume.

I began to mention some of the good people I met through this experience.  Would you believe that I was hanging out with a "Rockstar"?  Seriously, the overbearing dad character was played by Tim "Ripper" Owens.  While the name might not sound familiar, he was the inspiration behind the movie, "Rockstar".  Tim was playing in a Judas Priest cover band, British Steel.  When Judas Priest lost their lead singer, Rob Halford, they went in search of a replacement.  They were given a cassette of Tim covering their songs.  They met with Tim and hired him to front the band.  (1996-2002) The movie differs a little.  The movie was set in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania not Akron,Ohio.  The band in the movie was Steel Dragon rather than Judas Priest.

Tim bought one of the local restaraunts/bars.  It's now called the Ripper Owens Tap House. I had the privilege of catching an acoustic show that Tim had played a couple weeks back.  He touched on some Judas Priest, some of his own stuff, and loads of classic rock.  I thought he did a great job with the Beatle's "Hey Jude" and John Lennon's "Imagine".  It was a great show.  After the show, he made a point to talk to all of his fans individually.

It was a great way to start 2011.  I struggled to fit this project into my schedule.  But, I am so glad that I did.  There will be more cast/crew spotlights to come from time to time.

Monday, March 14, 2011

It's in my blood.... 1970 Chevy Pick Up W/Truck Camper

Somewhere along the line, my dad got tired of the school bus.  He decided that he would get a new 1970 chevrolet pick up and a truck camper for the back.  He chose the gold with white trim chevy.  He purchased the camper from a dealer that is still in existence today in Akron,OH.

<insert picture at some point>

Back then safety wasn't as well practiced.  My dad explained that he did not like the truck camper as well as the bus.  Everyone could not be together.  Two to three people would ride up front and the rest in the camper.  He recalled a story where he was trying to sleep in the camper when my Mom was driving through West Virginia.  Where they're from in West Virginia, the route was all hills and turns.  My dad tried to get her attention to pull over because he was bouncing around in the back to no avail.

He doesn't remember too many problems with the truck camper.  He mentioned that he blew out the rim outside of New York on the way to Maine.  The other rim blew outside of Oregon on his way to Portland.

Just six years later my parents divorced when I was three.  So most of these early trips that I was on, I do not remember.

My dad loved that 1970 Chevy Pick Up.  He still owns one today.  It's orange and white though.  He's graduated his vandwelling vehicles a few times over the years.  Today, he travels in a converted tour bus that I'll cover in a later post.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Free as I'll ever be

It's no surprise that Zac Brown Band is one of my favorite band's.  I've been following them for a few years now.  When I purchased their first CD, they wrote me back to explain that it, unfortunately, would not be able to ship as planned.  They had just signed with  a major label.  They more than made it up to me by offering an instant digital download of the album.  When the CD's were finally manufactured, they sent me two and they both were autographed by the band.  I felt a connection with the song "Free" immediately.  It's about living in a van.  How cool is that?  The version below he added a little of "Into the Mystic" by Van Morrison through the bridge.  Somewhere along the way, I read that Zac had written this song from a trip he took to Austrailia.  It was just him and some friends backpacking.  As he got off the plane, he told his friends that without all the responsibilities, he guessed he was as free as he'd ever be.

Free (Into The Mystic) - Zac Brown Band

So we live out in our old van
Travel all across this land
Me and you

We'll end up hand in hand
Somewhere down on the sand
Just me and you

Just as free
Free as we'll ever be
Just as free
Free as we'll ever be

We'll drive until the city lights
Dissolve into a country sky
Just me and you

Lay underneath the harvest moon
Do all the things that lovers do
Just me and you

Just as free
Free as we'll ever be
Just as free
Free as we'll ever be
and ever ---- be

We were born before the wind
Also younger than the sun
And the bonnie boat was won
That we sailed into the mystic

Hark, now hear the sailors cry
Smell the sea and feel the sky
Oh, let your soul and spirit fly, into the mystic

When that fog horn blows
You know I will be comin' home
When that fog horn blows
I want to feel it
I don't have to fear it

I want to rock your gypsy soul
just like way back in the days of old
And together we will float, into the mystic

No we don't have a lot of money
No we don't have a lot of money
No we don't have a lot of money
No we don't have a lot of money
No we don't have a lot of money
No we don't have a lot of money
No we don't have a lot of money
All we need is love

We're free as we'll ever be
Just as free
Free as we'll ever be

So we'll live out in our old van
Travel all across this land
Me and you

My first follower...

Well, I'm excited to say that I have my first follower.  It is Mike from the blog, Vantramps:Our version of life on the road.  You can find his blog here, . Mike and Heidi are in their RV, a 1997 Roadtrek 170P, full time.  I can only imagine the freedom that their lifestyle allows.  I'm working on getting a little of that freedom myself. Thanks Mike for checking out my blog.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Be informed of potential dangers of "fracking"...

  To the editor:
 I want to make sure residents, and landowners are aware that Marcellus Drilling - also known as fracking - is already taking place in Harrisville Township.  Also landowners are being approached by mail, as well as in person, to sign gas and oil leases at ridiculously low prices, as in $30 an acre.  Landowners in Pennsylvania, as well as southern Ohio, are signing for as much as $2,500 an acre.
   These drilling practices cause a risk to residents in terms of public safety and health.  Not only is our water at risk, but air quality, noise, and fire/blow out risk are potential hazards.  Another concern for our township is road traffic and the big rigs tearing up our already battered roads at the expense of tax payers, not the oil/gas drilling companies tearing them up.
   I attended an informative meeting put on by the Ohio Farm Bureau at OSU in Wooster Feb. 9 (2011) where Marcellus and Shale drilling processes were reviewed.  Dale Arnold, director of energy services for the Farm Bureau, also warned landowners of signing leases with companies without consulting an attorney versed in the language used by these oil/gas companies.  He also urged owners/residents to have their well water privately tested prior to any drilling taking place.
   Unfortunately for one resident that attended, his water was contaminated due to his neighbor's property being drilled/fracked.  This resident had no idea his neighbor's property was a drill site because there is no legislation requring notification of adjoining properties let alone 2 to 3 miles down the road.  Fracking can be far reaching.  It is important to know that this drilling process involves vertical drilling sometimes 8-10,000 feet down and then horizontal drilling 8,000 feet.  With "hydraulic fracturing" , which uses massive amounts of water mixed with chemicals and sand into the shale, the drilling pad itself can be up to 6 acres in area.  During the process, the drilling causes explosions underground creating mini earthquakes.  The horizontal drilling 8,000 feet out can also be done and usually is eight to 10 different directions.  There are 5,280 feet in a mile.  I had to think of that for awhile an then imagine 8,000 feet in 10 different directions.  That is why we all need to be concerned, as this driiling practice begins in our area at that rate, they could be under Harrisville Township, Westfield Township, Homerville, and Spencer before we know it.
   We want this drilling to stop or at least have safety and public health ordinances in place to protect us all.  The water we have is all we have.  If they destroy the water tables, our properties will be worthless.  Our health and the health of our children's children  could be affected for years to come.  Maryland is already rapidly attempting to enact legislation to prevent and control this drilling practice due to Pennsylvania's problems where they have already had numerous chemical spills, explosions at well sites, and well water contamination.
Christi B.
West Salem (Ohio)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

It's in my blood.... 1951 Ford Bus

So, there is no doubt in my mind where my wanderlust comes from.  My parents were big on traveling.  Through the 1960's, they traveled in a 1951 Ford Bus. 


My Grandpa and Dad owned a auto scrap yard from the 50's through the 90's.  So, cars were constantly coming in and going out.  A 1951 Ford Bus was brought in without a motor.  My Grandpa had given it to my older brother, J.  There was another vehicle that was on the property that shared the same motor.  It was a Ford Panel Truck that started it's life as a plumbers truck.    The panel truck was well used until a boom tipped over and crushed it.  The motor was fine though.  My Dad was recovering from an injury that he received at the Junkyard at the time.  He was burnt due to a gas tank blowing up on him.  In the down time, he transferred the motor from the Panel Truck to the Bus.  He also built 4 bunks in the back of the bus.  He put in a small sink.  Since my parents had just picked out a new couch, the old couch was put in the bus. He decribed it as an old danish model.  The bus featured a propane heater at the rear and a propane heater in the front.

Both of my parents remember the trips in the bus as good times.  My dad seemed to remember alot.  The first trip in the bus was from our home in the Portage Lakes,OH to Holland,MI.  They went up to see the tulips that were big in the day.  He recalls that they went with the neighbors, Barb and Jim.  This was just one of many trips with Barb and Jim.  Another destination they accompanied my parents on was the San Antonio World's Fair.  Google says that it was 1968.  The route went through Tennesee and New Orleans.  When they made it to Texas they visited Corpus Christi and Mustang Island.  At Mustang Island, Barb and Jim had decided to rent surfboards for the day.  They were not used to the Texas sun and the sunburn was bad.  They took the greyhound back to Ohio just a few days later.  When my parents arrived in San Antonio, My dad recalls the promotions for H. R. Pufnstuff.  My mom recalled stepping out of the bus to use the restroom and getting into a nest of red ants.

My grandma was a constant companion on these trips as well.  One summer, the family had set out across the country to visit friends in Seattle,WA.  There were many stops on this run.  Grand Cooley Dam, Badlands, Yellowstone National Park to name a few.  When they left Seattle, the fan blade had come loose and cut into the radiator.  My dad was working with a guy to fabricate one out of car parts.  A local happened upon the situation and mentioned that he had one for the bus laying in his front yard.  It worked perfectly.  Grandma was getting homesick by this point, so she could catch the plane from L.A. back to Ohio.  He recalls stopping at a wine tasting that offered 18 varieties.  My mom and him handled the alchohol okay.  But, Grandma nipped a little too much.  They made it the airport and Grandma made it safely home.  My family made their way back shortly thereafter.

The final voyage of the 1951 Ford Bus was a trip to Florida to visit family friends, Paul and  Harriet.  They were snowbirds who spent the winters down there.  They had a driveway where the bus could be parked.  Since my brothers had there winter break between Christmas and New Years, it was a nice get away spot.  When Florida turned cold, however, My dad decided that he would just as soon be cold back in Ohio.  So, they headed back.  Somewhere around the Georgia line the back propane heater ran out of gas.  My dad had to keep stopping to refill the anitfreeze.  A gas station attendant along the way noted that the temperature was 20 below.  The front propane heater ran out just outside of Cincinnatti.  This left my brother, J, scraping the door window so that my dad could see out the mirror.  My dad refueled the propane somewhere around Lodi,OH.  The whole family was happy to see the bus parked in the back lot of the Falcon Ave. home, Even if there was 18" of snow.

$700.00.  That funded the whole trip back then.  Back then, fuel was so cheap.  They almost always ate breakfast out.  You could feed the whole family breakfast for around $2.00.  The balance of the time, my mom would cook on a portable Coleman stove.  This meant washing dishes in a small sink.  They ate other meals out as well on occassion.  My dad says that people were amazed at how long they were able to be on the road with such little cash.

Well, the bus is long gone.  The memories still live on.  I wasn't around back then.  But, that wanderlust that my parents felt.  That was passed down to me.  I hope to pass it on like they did. It's in my blood.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

How many of these moments have you....?

How do you measure a day in your life?

As I approach 38, I tend to measure my life by moments.  Little moments, in fact.  A series of little moments.... that make up hours... that make up days.... that make up months.  But, if it's the quality of those moments that count.  How many of these moments have I spent in traffic?  How many of these moments have I spent angry or resentful?  How many of these moments have I spent jealous or envious?  How many of these moments have I went out of my way to help another? How many of these moments have I truly lived happy?  How many of these moments have I wasted?  The list could go on and on.  It's a little self evaluation.  What am I going to do to make a positive change?

So, I ask you out there in cyberspace.

How many of these moments have you ......... ? What are you going to do to make a positive change?

So, I'm a big fan of the musical "RENT".  The music is brilliant.  You can't really argue with the message, "No day but today".  I wanted to find an early clip of the song "Seasons Of Love" to showcase the original cast.  The best quality I found was from the 1996 Democratic convention.  Although, I have no affiliation with any political party.

Seasons of Love

Five hundred twenty-five thousand
Six hundred minutes,
Five hundred twenty-five thousand
Moments so dear.
Five hundred twenty-five thousand
Six hundred minutes
How do you measure, measure a year?

In daylights, in sunsets, in midnights
In cups of coffee
In inches, in miles, in laughter, in strife.

In five hundred twenty-five thousand
Six hundred minutes
How do you measure
A year in the life?

How about love?
How about love?
How about love? Measure in love

Seasons of love. Seasons of love

Five hundred twenty-five thousand
Six hundred minutes!
Five hundred twenty-five thousand
Journeys to plan.

Five hundred twenty-five thousand
Six hundred minutes
How do you measure the life
Of a woman or a man?

In truths that she learned,
Or in times that he cried.
In bridges he burned,
Or the way that she died.

It's time now to sing out,
Tho' the story never ends
Let's celebrate
Remember a year in the life of friends
Remember the love!
Remember the love!
Seasons of love!

Oh you got to got to Remember the love! remember the love,
You Measure in love know that love is a gift from up above Seasons of love.
Share love, give love spread love Measure measure you life in love.

Friday, March 4, 2011

The Who Am I? TV Pilot Story

I helped start a film community in Akron,OH back in 2006.  It is called Little Hollywood Ohio and meets the second Thursday of every month.  It's a co-op really.  Production companies get together to network and cultivate new talent from the public.  It's open to everyone and there is no charge.
Two years ago, we were approached by a new production company called Syzygy.  Dave Andrews and Scott Brody explained their long term plan of developing a studio in the Akron,OH area.  We've kept in contact with them over the years.
They made a major push to acquire funding in 2010.  They were successful in acquiring the funds through a website called Kickstarter.  They held casting calls in early January.  They had a nice budget and were able to hire some key people.  I will name names because these people are awesome. The people that made all the difference were:
Kelleigh Miller - She is a "Rockstar" Production Assistant.  This was the second time that I have worked with Kelliegh.  She also worked on Corbin Bernsen's "25 Hill" project.  I was an extra in a few scenes of that film.  She's like the glue that held it together.  Her tour with Syzygy ended a few weeks ago at the wrap party.  She was off to New York to do her shoe modeling gig.  Then onto Canada for another Bernsen product. 
Jay Johnson - The man behind the camera.  Jay has been filming throughout Northeast Ohio for over 15 years.  He received some major publicity for his film "Will work for food".  After the shoot, he was heading out to do a commercial in the Cleveland area.  I think that he has put out some amazing products.  But, his best works are yet to come.
David Demoyne Jones - David was Jay's right hand man on this project.  It seems they have worked many projects together.  David starred in a short film called, "The Handyman".  It told the tale of Cleveland's serial killer, Anthony Sowell.  As filming was wrapping up, David had just proposed to his girlfriend via a cleverly shot commercial presentation.
So many people.... So little time...  I'll post more spotlights in upcoming posts.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Who Am I? TV Pilot Shoot

Today is the last day of filming on the Syzygy Network, Who Am I? TV Pilot.  I haven't written about the show yet.  I auditioned for a role as a scientist back in early January.  I was chosen to play a researcher/scientist.  In addition, I volunteered to help work on the crew for some of the shoots.  It truly was a great experience.  I met and worked with some great people.  I'll go into greater detail later.  As for today, I'm memorizing my lines this morning for a 2:00pm - 7:00pm shoot.  It's in an abandoned warehouse that Syzygy is working on acquiring. 

Here's a sample of my part of the script (Researcher #2):

                                   ACT ONE

        FADE IN:

   11   INT.  SECRET RESEARCH CENTER - EVENING                        11


        A much more modernized self contained research laboratory
        with all kinds of modern sensors, scanning equipment, and

        Agent jones, older but looking about the same, watches along
        with a couple of other agents as a researcher named DR.
        small enough to fit into a human hand, onto a lab bench next
        to the ORIGINAL CRYSTAL.  A computer sits nearby on the bench.

                                DR. ROBERTSON
                    Watch the monitor.

        A graph appears on screen showing a histogram (graph with
        bars that go up to the right number for each parameter) with
        the original crystal in blue, the new in red, and all the
        bars at the same level. The names of the elements it contains
        are at the bottom.

                                DR. ROBERTSON
                    Perfect match.  The composition is
                    identical to the object we acquired
                    20 years ago in Australia.

        Jones and a few researchers listen as he continues.

                                DR. ROBERTSON
                    This latest piece was found recently
                    in the mountains of Colorado.
                           (to scientist)
                    Go ahead.

        A Scientist begins turning a knob on his console, like a
        large volume knob.  BOTH CRYSTALS SLOWLY START TO GLOW WITH
        DEPTH OF BLUE as he continues to turn the knob.



   11   CONTINUED:                                                    11

                                DR. ROBERTSON
                    Perhaps one of the most interesting
                    features of this substance is that
                    it's chemical makeup is made
                    entirely of substances that are
                    found here on Earth, and yet we
                    can't duplicate it.  It's almost as
                    if the whole is greater than the
                    sum of it's parts, to borrow a
                                RESEARCHER #2
                    As you can see, the two specimens
                    react identically to certain outside
                    stimuli that we apply, but they
                    also pulsate and change color from
                    time to time outside of our
                    influence in a seemingly random way.
                    They never react differently,
                    however.  They are always precisely
                    matched in behavior.

                                AGENT #2
                    But have you learned anything useful
                    about it in your two decades of

                                DR. ROBERTSON                            *
                    Of course!  First, there's the
                    strange nature of its origins.

                                AGENT JONES                              *
                    Meaning what?                                        *

                                RESEARCHER #3                            *
                    These are the only two samples of
                    this substance ever found on Earth.
                    Our most advanced dating methods
                    can't even give us a clue as to how
                    old these objects are.  We can only
                    assume that it originally came from

                                RESEARCHER #2                            *
                    Just the fact that it emits energy
                    and reacts in such a way to outside
                    stimuli sets it clearly apart from                   *
                    any other substance on Earth!                        *

                                RESEARCHER #3                            *
                    Our first thought was that it was
                    part of a meteor or comet.



   11   CONTINUED: (2)                                                11

                                DR. ROBERTSON                            *
                    The problem with that theory is,
                    there's no scorching, no melting,
                    no oxidation...  None of the
                    evidence that points to atmospheric

                                AGENT JONES                              *
                    What exactly are you saying?                         *

                                DR. ROBERTSON                            *
                    We're saying; this crystal is not
                    from earth, but it didn't fall here
                    as part of a comet or meteor.

                                AGENT JONES                              *
                    Then how did it get here?                            *

                                DR. ROBERTSON                            *
                    Now you're getting it.  I know the
                    implications here, but I'm not
                    going to be the guy that goes there.
                    Not without hard evidence.

        An awkward, tense silence ensues for a few seconds.              *
                                RESEARCHER #2
                    There's more.  We've recently                        *
                    discovered that there's an outside
                    influence affecting it.

                                AGENT #2
                    Outside?  You mean outside of this

                                RESEARCHER #2

                                AGENT JONES
                    But this place is supposed to be                     *
                    fully shielded from outside
                    influence of any kind.  Even the                     *
                    most powerful solar flares have no
                    effect here, and man-made
                    disturbances like radio and
                    microwave can't even get close.
                    How could an "outside influence" be
                    affecting it?



   11   CONTINUED: (3)                                                11

                                DR. ROBERTSON
                    Exactly!  Just the point I was
                    trying to make.  We don't know!  We
                    have access to the most advanced
                    science known to man, and I'm
                    telling you, there is nothing on
                    Earth that should be able to do this.

                                RESEARCHER #2
                    That's why we thought it was random
                    until recently.

                                AGENT #2
                    So are you saying someone outside
                    of this facility knows about these?

                                DR. ROBERTSON
                    We think so.

                                RESEARCHER #2
                    And we think we can track them.

        The agents look very interested in this statement, but the
        lead researcher puts his hands up.

                                DR. ROBERTSON
                    I'm sorry, I think Roger is getting
                    ahead of himself.  There is a
                    possibility that we may be able to
                    use the data we've collected to
                    find out where the external
                    influence is coming from, but we're
                    not that close.

                                AGENT JONES
                    Make it your top priority, Robertson.
                    I'll expect regular reports on your

        The agents walk out, as if nothing else needs to be said.
        The lead researcher gives a dirty look to his overeager


   12   EXT.  ADAM'S STREET OUTSIDE HIS HOUSE - SAME                  12

        CLOSE-UP ON a small CRYSTALLINE SHARD attached as a NECKLACE.
