Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Okay... Time To Simplify...

I'm not a packrat.  I'm not a collector.  I don't feel the need to buy items just to buy items. 

As I look around the house, I have accumulated stuff.  Stuff that I don't use.  I am of the belief that If I haven't used it in 6 months, it's a knick-knack.  I have a lot of knick-knacks.  So, I'm going to have some fun.  I am going to downsize said knick-knacks.  But, What sells will go into the "Summer Home" fund.

What's the "Summer Home" fund?  I'm glad you asked.  I have been debating on building a tiny home on a trailer.  Just when I have my mind made up, I reconsider and think that a Class B RV would be better.  Then, I consider remodeling an old Airstream.  So many choices, so little time.  Well, The good news is that I don't need to decide right now.  I can build the funds and decide at a later date.  When I reach the $5,000 mark, I'll have to make the decision.  I'll keep a tally on the funds as I go.

So, Craigslist, Ebay, and Freecycle are my new best friends.  I'll post the first item this week and share my successes and failures with you folks as they happen.

The first items on the chopping block are the outgrown little tikes play equipment in the backyard.  I'm hoping to send them both packing in one sweep.


  1. OH OH! I vote for the "B"! That one in the bottom right looks about perfect eh?!! :) Okay, so I might be biased! Good luck getting "stuff" pared down. It is one of the most freeing feelings of the process, almost as good as the first time you drive off! (almost)

    97 Roadtrek 170P "Taj Ma Trek"

  2. Mike, it is truly a sweet ride. I'm hoping that I gain a little of that free feeling as well. It's slow going at the start here. But, it's going. Thanks for the encouragement!!
