Monday, May 2, 2011

Everyone has a story to tell...

Everyone has a story...

With the demise of Osama Bin Laden, The question once again arises.  Where were you on that fateful day?  I have a story to tell, A life changing story.  Would you like to hear it?

Just before 9:00 AM, I was in the car listening to the morning show on Q104.  The usually funny morning show had suddenly taken a somber tone.  The host, Danny, announced that a plane had crashed into the North Tower.  I was dropping my daughter off at Pre-school. When I got back in the car, He announced the crash of the second plane into the South Tower.  This was too much of a coincidence.  The pre-school was a block away from my Mom's house.  So, I spun the car around and traveled down the street to my Mom's house.  I tuned in to watch the news network.  It was tragic.

I made the ride home in silence.  My wife and I had just returned home from NYC.  By just, I mean we made it back to Ohio 5 hours earlier.  We left at 8:00 PM on September 10th.  We arrived home at around 4:00 AM on September 11th.  There was alot going on in my life at the time.  I should say in my relationship with said wife at the time.  We had just rolled over that 8 year mark.  Things were not on an even keel.  I had noticed a few things on the trip.  She had made some connections via the world wide web with a New York police officer.  He served as our tour guide on this trip.  I had some suspicions.  But, I had a lot of faith in my wife.  So, I dismissed them.

I made it home and explained what had just happened in New York.  How the towers had collapsed.  When the reporter mentioned the officers and firemen that had rushed in just before, My wife went into hysterics.  The light bulb came on.  There was more to her story than I knew.  I could not get her to calm down.  She was overly concerned about her police officer friend.  This only subsided when he answered his phone.  He was safe.  My marriage unraveled rapidly after this moment.  Five months later, I would be divorced.

9/11 serves as a reminder of the beginning of the end of that relationship. The reality is that it was headed south already.  It could be better phrased as -- 9/11 serves as a reminder of the day I admitted that it was the beginning of the end of that relationship.

Life takes us in all kinds of directions.  Some we plan for and some we don't.  Some we want and some we don't.  Sometimes we just have deal with what life throws at us.  I learned to deal with it.  It was tough.  It was painful.  It changed me. 

Everyone has a story to tell...  Whats yours?

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