Friday, April 22, 2011

So, The Train Went Of The Tracks....

So, I think somewhere I've gotten off track on my blogging.  I need to jump back on.

I was at a client's office a few weeks ago.  In talking with the owner, he was slowly handing the business over to a key member of his team.  He was headed for retirement.  I inquired about how he planned on spending his retirement.  Traveling was his response.  He explained that whenever he traveled, he stopped to take an interest in people.  I picked up on this same quality in myself.  Whenever I traveled, I enjoyed meeting the locals as much as seeing the sights.  I talk to everyone. 

I struggle to understand that when I'm back in my locale of Akron, I am so much more reserved.  I've been pondering that question lately.  There are days when I interact with people.  But it is not consistent.  I'm starting to wonder if it's because I perceive ill intentions.  On too many occassions, I've said a greeting too someone and they've hit me up for money.  The worst of all was at an inner city gas station.  I don't get frustrated with people that often.   This guy must have noticed my dockers and dress shirt and perceived that I have money to give.  I told him that I was sorry I had nothing to give.  Then, he proceeded to give me a lecture on how I didn't need all that money and that I can't take it with me when I die.  This was slowly pissisng me off.  I, finally, put the nozzle back on the pump and left.  There was also the time that I was leaving the bank one pay day.  I'm on a very tight budget.  I had taken out enough money to hold me over for a couple of days.  I was approached by a middle age woman who frantically explained that her car had broken down.  She needed $10 dollars more in order to get the car towed and get to work.  Her badge showed that she worked for Visiting Nurse Services.  I felt sorry for her.  I handed her all of the money I had.  Well, she then proceeded to ask for a ride to her "car".  It was 3 or 4 miles away from where we were, in a bad neighborhood.  I couldn't fathom her walking for 3 or 4 miles and no one helping her.  Well, the light bulb came on.  I had just been scammed by a 50 year old drug addict.  I have to admit, it was a creative story.  I don't know that it was worth $10.00 though.

So, I've been making it a point lately to interact with people like I were on vacation.  I'm very selective these days to avoid situations like the ones mentioned above.  I've met some interesting people.  Everyone has a story to tell.  I love hearing these stories.

Well, today is a vacation day from work.  I'm out to hear some great stories.

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